Wednesday, January 20, 2010

THEORY OF DAHNHAK4 - The Three Principles of DahnHak Practice

There are three principles upon which DahnHak Practice is based:

1) Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang: Water Energy Up, Fire Energy Down
2) Jung-Choong, Ki-Jang, Shin-Myung: Health to Enlightenment
3) Shim-Ki-Hyul-Jung: From Mind to Matter

Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang: Water Energy Up, Fire Energy Down

There are two kinds of energy in the body: warm fire energy and cold water energy. When the body is in balance and optimum health is achieved, the water energy is located in the head and the fire energy is maintained in the abdomen. This state is called "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang." "Su"means "water," "Seung" means "go up," "Hwa" means "fire," and "Kang" means "come down." "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang" expresses the universal principle that water energy must go up and fire energy must come down. This is first of the three principles of the DahnHak Practice.

There are examples, in nature, of water moving up and fire moving down such as the circulation of water throughout the planet. In the ocean, the radiant heat (fire) comes down from the sun and evaporates the water, creating vapor that rises up to form clouds. The rain falls back to earth. This system of "fire down" and "water up" creates the endless circulation of moisture throughout the planet.
Another example from nature is the process of photosynthesis in plants. Every plant receives "fire energy" coming down from the sun. The plant's roots pull up the "water energy" from the earth. With the combination of "fire down" and "water up," the plant processes the sunlight and water to flower and bear fruit. When they lose the power to take up the water in winter, that is, they are in the opposite state of "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang," the leaves and friuts fall and the major life activity comes to a pause.
"Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang" is universal principle for the life activity in both nature and the human body. In the human body, the water energy is created in the kidneys and the fire energy is produced in the heart. When the water energy moves up through the Dok-Maek (Governor Meridian Channel) located in the middle of the back, the brain feels fresh and cool. The fire energy passing through the Im-Maek (Conception Meridian Channel) located in the middle of the chest down into the abdomen keeps the intestines warm.
A well functioning body in optimum health is like a house with the cooling system at the ceiling and the heating system near the floor. After restoring the body back into balance through the DahnHak Practice, "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang" is the natural state of a healthy body.
One sign that the body is in balance begins with tasting the saliva in the mouth. If it is sweet and fragrant, the body is in a state of "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang." Another sign that the body is in balance is when the brain remains cool and fresh while the abdomen is warm and the intestines are working smoothly. The body is refreshed and energized.
A sign that theenergy flow is reversed and the fire energy has become stagnant in the head is an occurrence of a headache. Then, the head feels hot and the body feels tired. The mouth feels dry and tastes bitter. The heart may feel heavy and beat irregulary. In this state, they feel tired, anxious and uncomfortable. Their shoulders and neck are stiff. This usually happens after a period of working or studying without moving around.
On the other hand, when there is no fire energy in the abdomen and the cold water energy is collecting in the intestines, most people suffer from digestive problems. The intestines are stiff. The abdomen is hard and painful to the touch. If the energy flow is not reversed soon, constipation results. It is like packing ice in the abdomen. Another sign that the water energy has moved to the abdomen instead of the fire energy is that a person experiences cold hands and feet. Men may also experience a lack of sexual stamina. If this condition continues, other medical complications may occur including high blood pressure or paralysis.
There are two major reasons that people experience the state opposite of "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang." One is that they don't develop Dahn-Jon strongly enough to hold fire energy in the abdomen. In this state, when they use much energy in the brain, the fire energy goes up. The other reason is stress. their Im-Maek is blocked, which reverses the normal flow of Ki and makes the fire energy goes up. In this dysfunction, many neurotic diseases occur. When they recover the "Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang" state through the DahnHak Practice, all these chronic diseases are cured and optimum health is achieved.

"Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang" Exercises

"Su-Seung-Hwa-Kang" is achieved through Dahn-Jon Breathing which expels the used Ki-energy upon exhalation and accesses and accumulates new Ki-energy through inhalation. Dahn-Jon Breathing exercise is only effective if the intestines are soft and flexible. Most people, when they begin DahnHak Practice, have stiff, hard abdomens. The Intestine Exercise remedies this condition by increasing the blood circulation to the intestines and by removing the problem of constipation.

Jung-Choong, Ki-Jang, Shin-Myung: Health to Enlightenment

There are specific steps that people take when they move towards enlightenment. It is expressed by the phrase: "Jung-Choong, Ki-Jang, Shin-Myung."
Jung-Choong is the first step towards enlightenment. "Jung" means "vital energy" and "Choong" means "full." At first, a person becomes full of vital energy. This is accomplished through Dahn-Jon Breathing exercise.
Ki-Jang is the next step. "Ki" means "mental/emotional energy." "Jang" means "completion." When the mental energy reaches a stage of completion, The Middle Dahn-Jon is activated and the person experiences spontaneous love and joy.
Shin-Myung is the last step. "Shin" means "heavenly intelligence." "Myung" means "awakened." When the heavenly intelligence is awakened, the person has reached enlightenment and the goal of DahnHak Practice, Human Perfection, has been reached.
Shim-Ki-Hyul-Jung: From Mind to Matter

The third principle deals with the process of materializing and dematerializing matter.The principle reflects the understanding of how material existence, including the universe, came into being and the direction all matter is ultimately going.

"Shim-Ki" means the mind (Shim) creates energy (Ki). All kinds of energy are the expression of the movements in the mind. "Hyul" means "blood" and "Jung" means "matter."When the energy is condensed, it forms a vital force which is represented in the body by blood (Hyul). Blood or vital force makes body or matter (Jung).

Wherever the mind goes, energy flows. When practitioners fully realize this and understand how to control the flow of energy according to the will, they are able to change mind into matter.

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