Monday, January 4, 2010

THEORY OF DAHNHAK3 - The Meridian System in the Body: Kyung-Rak and Kyung-Hyul

Ki-energy moves through the body along pathways called Kyung-Rak or meridian channels, like the body's circulatory system which flows through veins and arteries. On meridian channels, there are specific points called Kyung-Hyul or acupressure points. The acupressure points are like holes through which Ki-energy enters and exits the body with the breath. Upon inhalation, the flow of the Ki-energy enters the body at the acupressure points and moves through the meridians to the vital organs of the body.

There are 12 meridian channels, 365 acupressure points in the human body. The major acupressure points are listed below:
Baek-Hoe: Located at the crown, top of the head, where many important meridian channels meet at one point. It lies at the intersection of an imaginary line that connects the ears and a line that connects spine and nose. "Baek-Hoe" literally means "intersecting point of 100 meridians." In newborn babies, this point is open and the hard shell of the skull has not covered it over. In the DahnHak Practice, when practitioners become aware of their sixth sense, this is the point through which the celestial energy is received into the body.
Jun-Jung: Located about four to five centimeters in front of the Baek-Hoe, this is also a point where the celestial energy flows in. While Baek-Hoe is sometimes called "Great Heaven's Gate," Jun-Jung is named "Small Heaven's Gate."
In-Dang: Frequently called "the third eye" in the west, this point is located between the eyebrows. When this point is activated, one might exhibit extrasensory perceptual powers.
Mi-Gan: Located at the top of your nose, in the center of the indention at the top of the blade of the nose.
In-Joong: Located in the center of the valley between your nose and lips.
Ah-Moon: Located between the first and second vertebrae. This is the place where the neck and head meet.
Ok-Chim: Located the slightly protruding point in the back of your head. Ok-Chim consists of two separate points that are located one inch to either side of that protrusion.
Tae-Yang: Located on the temples, in between the eyes and the tops of the ears, these are important activation points related to the brain.
Dae-Chu: Located right below the seventh cervical vertebrae.
Dahn-Joong(Jon-Joong): Located in the center of the slight indentation on the chest, between the breasts.
Ki-Hae: Two inches below the navel. K-Hae means "the sea of Ki-energy." The lower Dahn-Jon is located about two inches inside the body from the Ki-Hae.
Hoe-Eum: The perineum.
Myung-Moon: Located on the back, directly opposite the navel, between the second and third lumber vertebrae. "Myung-Moon"means "the gate of life." Cosmic nital energy enters the body through this point during Dahn-Jon breathing exercise.
Jang-Shim: Located at the center of the palm on each hand. To find the Jang-Shim, make a fist. The point is where the middle finger touches the palm. Because it is very sensitive to energy, it is viewed as an external Dahn-Jon energy center.
Yong-Chun: Located on the sole of foot, approximately in the center, just below the ball of the foot. Yong-Chun is an external Dahn-Jon energy center.
Jok-Sam-Ri: On the outside of leg, just below the knee, and in between the two leg bones meet.
Tae-Chung: On the top of each foot, at the point where the bone of the big toe and the second toe join, between the first and second metatarsal.

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